The story of Suobbat
The frame named Suobbat is inspired by the Storsaivis-Suobbat fishing conservation area in Swedish Lapland.
This is a story about a skilled forester named Suobbat. A person more genuine than Suobbat is hard to find. Suobbat possesses a high degree of integrity, yet is one of the most essential styles you’ll ever have, always keeping the wardrobe up to date.
Although an early adopter, Suobbat persistently holds on to analogue matters. Not so much because Suobbat’s craving a simpler life, but as technology becomes more complex, craftmanship is still essential. A favourite place is the desolated inland woods, with miles and miles of pine trees and silence.
Here, wedged in between the tree trunks, lies the grand boggy ground of Storsaivis-Suobbat, where there is plenty of space for fishing and swimming in the deep forest lakes, recover and listen to the sounds of nature. As we all need to do from time to time.